In order for the baby to be born healthy, it is very important for the pregnant woman to pay attention to her nutrition and lifestyle.In this diet, omega 3 fatty acids in fish oil should be taken in sufficient amounts both during pregnancy and breastfeeding. And unfortunately, enough omega 3 cannot be obtained from fish.Therefore, dietary supplements are necessary.Why is fish oil so important during pregnancy?The omega 3 fatty acid found in fish oil has many important roles, especially in the healthy development of the baby. Ø It helps the baby’s brain, eye and nervous system development. (1) o EPA and DHA fatty acids, which are also found in Omega 3 fatty acids, are the part that shows the main effect. While DHA is especially effective in brain development, EPA has a very important place especially in eye health. Ø It helps to prevent post-pregnancy depression. (2) Especially EPA fatty acid, which is in Omega 3 fatty acid, comes to the fore in the prevention of depression. Ø It helps to prevent the risk of premature birth. (3) According to the results of a study, the risk of preterm birth in pregnant women who consume omega 3 is 3 times less than those who do not consume omega 3. Ø It helps to prevent low birth weight. (4) Ø It helps to protect the baby from asthma and allergic disorders in the future. (5) A study has shown that the use of omega 3 during pregnancy reduced the probability of asthma by 60% and the rate of allergic asthma by 80% when children get older. Due to all these effects, the correct use of omega 3 during pregnancy is important. Especially, fish oil products used during pregnancy should be certified that they include 400-1000mg omega 3 and do not contain heavy metals, mercury and chemical waste. It is very essential that all food supplements to be used are in boxes and blister packaging, not in bottle packages, especially in order to keep the product clean and not to deteriorate (oxidize). In bottle packages, more than one capsule comes to hand in each use and other unused capsules are put back into the bottle packaging in a contaminated way. A suitable environment is created for the formation of harmful bacteria in the bottle, which is highly affected by heat and light, and the product also deteriorates by oxidation. For this reason, it is one of the most important criteria for food supplements to be presented in pharmaceutical quality and to have a blister package.
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